Tastes & Colours

Finesse, freshness, purety, Alsace proposes an unparalleled pallet of aromas and flavours - an authentic and intense sensory experience!

The Grands Crus

Identified over the centuries by generations of wine-makers, the most beautiful Alsace terroirs produce authentic and high-quality wines. Wines tailored for keeping and haute cuisine.

Plaisirs au coin du feu

Soufflé de potimarron

  • Preparation : 15 min
  • Cooking time : 45 min
  • Difficulty :

The preparation


Servez de suite avec une salade de mâche !

To be enjoyed with :

Soufflé de potimarron

Pinot Blanc d’Alsace

Le caractère souple et frais du Pinot Blanc s’accommode à merveille à la légèreté de ce soufflé.

4 personnes people

1beau potimarron
40 clde lait de soja
50 gde crème d'amande
1 c à c.de curry
1 c à s.de purée de noix de cajou (ou de beurre)
80 gde fromage frais
sel, poivre
Recipes and appropriate wines - Vins d'Alsace

Tastes & Colours

Finesse, freshness, purety, Alsace proposes an unparalleled pallet of aromas and flavours - an authentic and intense sensory experience!

The Grands Crus

Identified over the centuries by generations of wine-makers, the most beautiful Alsace terroirs produce authentic and high-quality wines. Wines tailored for keeping and haute cuisine.

Dinner is served

The Recipes